The Tomorrow Center has a variety of activities for the parents and families of our students.
Parent Club meets every month. We have dinner provided by our cook manager, then we have a guest speaker or craft project. Come and enjoy fun, networking and visiting!
Parents, families, and the community are invited to Open House and the Community Resources Fair in September, the Halloween Dance in October, and the Thanksgiving Feast in November. In December, they are encouraged to attend the Holiday Hello Variety Show. We also have free admission to all of our sporting events, so families can come and enjoy watching our students play at no cost. In the spring, we invite our families and the community to our heART Bridges Art Show, Graduation and the Volunteer Appreciation Program.
Feel free to contact me for more ways to volunteer at the Tomorrow Center. We love community and family involvement.
Susie Sexton, B.S., LSW, LCDC III
Family & Civic Engagement Coordinator
Informational Programs
Missing Children:
Education Program from Prevention and Relocation of Missing Children
Human Trafficking:
We Care Conference:
We Care Conference Parent Letter
10TV (WBNS) Coverage of our We Care Conference in the Human Trafficking session
Student with a Disability? Check this out